Those Prawn Tacos are light and easy to assemble but they are also healthy. They provide a quick and enjoyable Lunch which is colourful. Eaten fresh they are perfect for Summertime. 

Putting it all Together
Prawn Tacos.
  • Preptime: 10-15 minutes. Assemblage.
  • Cooktime: None.
  • Servings: 2 portions

250g of cooked Prawns, shelled. 

4 Taco Shells either soft or hard. Multiseeded.

1 Butterhead Lettuce.

2 to 3 Medium size Tomatoes.

2 Red Onions.

Sour Cream and Chive Sauce.

Spicy Tomato Salsa.

Optional: deseeded sliced Chilli. or Sweet Chilli Sauce.

1 Brie, sliced.

2 Limes.



There is two option here. you can harden your Taco Shell in the oven a little first or buy them pre-made either soft or dry. Myself I prefer to go for soft ones but also to go for wholemeal ones and Multigrain ones. You are looking at one to two Prawn Tacos per person.

Start by ranging your Tacos side by side so they stand against one another. Then you will have the container that they will provide for your filling. Let them in that position to harden a little. A quick 5 minutes flash in the freezer of fridge can do the trick.

Meanwhile prepare your filling. Peel and slice the Red Onions into rings. Slice the Tomatoes. Then take the Leaves from the Lettuce off. Wash them and keep the best looking ones.

Then it is time to build the Tacos. First is the bed of Lettuce Leaves to go within the Tacos. Then Randomly but to be a kiss upon the eyes 'à la Marilyn Monroe', place the Red Onion rings and the sliced Tomatoes. Try to arrange them in a way that each Taco has the same proportion of Vegetables.

Place your sliced and deseeded Chilli if using and then your already cooked and peeled Prawns. The variety of Chilli is up to your own taste. (Ancho Chili Peppers and Padron are reputed to be rather mild). The size of the Prawns are up to you as well and what is available. As it is for Lunch I do go for convenience therefore already cooked Prawns (medium size). The smaller Shrimps works well in this dish too. However larger Prawns and Langoustines or Crayfish are a bit of a chunk for only one or two would fit in the Taco. 

A nice addition is also chopped Coriander/Cilantro. But not everyone do like the taste of Coriander for a genetic reason which makes Coriander taste soapy to them.

Finally I will say that a little Trio of Sauces to choose from is always welcome: A Sour and Chives Cream Sauce maybe with a little chopped Garlic, A Tomato Salsa spicy or not, and a Sweet Chilli Sauce. Limes should be cut in half and served alongside the Prawn Tacos for anyone to use to give that citrus tang to them.



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