This is as much as a Dessert as a Breakfast. It does have a natural acidity and sweetness given by the Fruits: Pears, Raspberry and Blueberries. Relatively easy to do this Dessert is nonetheless satisfying due to its silky texture but also the crunch given by the Granola layer within it.

Putting it all Together
Pear and Raspberry Dessert.
  • Preptime: 10-15 minutes. Assemblage.
  • Cooktime: None.
  • Servings: 2 portions

2 Williams Pears (Bon Chrétien).

A handful of Raspberry.

A handful of Blueberries.

500ml of Greek Yogurt.

150g of Granola.

A little Mint Leaves.

2 drizzle of Honey (Heather Honey gives a lovely flavour to that Dessert)


First chop the Pears into very little dices. Peeling isn't necessary, but cleaning and coring the Pears are.

Crush some of the Raspberries but keep some aside for decoration.

Then build up your Dessert, starting up with a little Granola at the base of the two glasses.

The spoonfuls of Greek Yogurt come next but don't use all of it because it is a layer. 

Within that Yogurt layer add or mix the little diced Pear but only some of it.

Middle of the way through put a bit of Granola to get another layer of crunchy texture and upon it add the crushed Raspberries and some Bluberries. 

The following layer is more Yogurt mixed with diced Pear. 

To Top the Dessert, decorate it with Raspberries and Blueberries, a little Granola. 

There is a choice to make but both options do work: it is to apply the Honey in the middle layer or on the top of the Dessert.

The finishing touch consist of Mint Leaves. The rest is just to enjoy the Dessert.  

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