2021 has partly been a very hard year for me but also a good year. It was a bit like learning to count your blessings. But many others did encounter hardships in 2021. My Grand Ma Denise passed away in July leaving a Family bereft. I couldn't go to her Funeral nor for her last days because of Covid 19, the Pandemic. It was hard to take upon the chin.

Grand ma Denise.jpg

RIP Denise Nicolas born Virot. (July 2021). Your smile and your 'joie de vivre 'will be missed.

Many lost loved ones during the pandemic which is not over and will claim more lives. Many are just numbers on a paper which they diminish at will to look good from one country to another, the big fat lie: We are dealing better the Pandemic than you do and so on and so on and so on... While at stake are people dying. Sad but true. If anyone have an underlying condition your own death will be blamed upon that rather than Covid to keep the statistic right for your own country.

Self isolating with my partner, I had myself to go to hospital very often during 2021 for Seizures, multiple ones. I am so ashamed to have them. They are unerving. Clenching of the jaws, biting of the tongue, body jerking without control, until, if someone can get you out of it, it feels like a recall you. It is hard because sometimes you can hear but not see, and also there is the confusion (The what is going on?), your memory may not do all the maths, or not at first, and sometimes struggles for a very long while: months... My last seizure lasted a hour and a half, I was mainly conscious throughout it, thanks to Clara who kept making me come back from blackouts. MRI medical crew in Hemel Hempstead Hospital were swift to deal with me and to keep me with them alive (28/11/2021). 

And here, I had a Happy new year at Home. However I, from one year to another, do not take anything for granted any longer, such as life, such as countries, such as family, such as friends, such as food, such as water.

On a better outlook if 2021 saw many books published from Malthere Publications, the same will happen in 2022 with two of my novels due to be published this January.


 The Sketch for the cover of 'The Angels go marching in'. Drawn by myself. Part one of a very large book.


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